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Whakapono Pūtā Buddhism


Welcome to Wellington City Libraries' page of resources on Buddhism. Here you'll find a cross-section of what the library holds on Buddhism, some quick links into our online databases and the library's catalogue, and links to websites on Buddhism selected by our subject librarians. The Dewey Decimal call number for Buddhism as a subject is 294.3. (A comprehensive list of Dewey numbers for other religions can be found on the Beliefs homepage.)

Page last updated 12 August 2018.

Recent items

The woman who raised the Buddha : the extraordinary life of Mahāprajāpatī, by Wendy Garling
"In this first full biography of Mahaprajapati, The Woman Who Raised the Buddha presents her life story, with attention to her early years as sister, queen, matriarch, and mother, as well as her later years as a nun. Drawing from story fragments and canonical records, Wendy Garling reveals just how exceptional Mahaprajapati's role was as leader of the first generation of Buddhist women, helping the Buddha establish an equal community of lay and monastic women and men." (Catalogue)

What, why, how : answers to your questions about Buddhism, meditation, and living mindfully, by Henepola Gunaratana.
"Imagine that you could sit down with one of Buddhism's most accomplished and plainspoken teachers and that he patiently agreed to answer any question you had about meditation, living mindfully, and key Buddhist concepts - even the myriad brilliant questions you've never thought to ask… You'll gain simple yet powerful insights and practices to end unhealthy patterns and habits so that you can transform your experience of the world--from your own mind to your relationships, your job, and beyond." (drawn from the Catalogue)

His Holiness the fourteenth Dalai Lama : an illustrated biography by Tenzin Geyche Tethong
Coming with the blessing of the Dalai Lama, this new biography offers readers fresh insights through the eyes of a close aide of His Holiness for forty years, sharing previously unpublished photographs, as well as interviews and memories of those closest to him. As his long-time personal secretary, Tethong was privy to the Dalai Lama's difficult relationship with India during his exile, with many challenges arising from his host country's ambivalence to Tibet. This beautifully illustrated chronicle presenting an in-depth, firsthand narrative of the Dalai Lama's life story and the Tibetan saga is recommended. (Catalogue)


Yes! we have downloadable eBooks on Buddhism. Overdrive Ebooks is a free service.

Under the label "Browse eBook Nonfiction" choose the Religion and spirituality heading to find books.
Titles include :

Downloadable Audio Books

Overdrive Audio is a free service which allows you to download and listen to audiobooks, and includes some Buddhism-related audio books. Some can be saved onto CD for future listening, after the due date.

Under the label "Browse Audiobook Nonfiction" choose the Religion and spirituality heading to find books by :
Joseph Goldstein, Pema Chodron, Jack Kornfield, Matthieu Ricard, and Adyashanti as well as classic titles such as Mindfulness for beginners, or Tibetan wisdom for living and dying. Try The naked Buddha, by Adrienne Howley.

Downloading instructions are included step by step. Downloadable audiobooks are issued for 3 weeks, and titles can be reserved if they are already on loan.

Online databases & articles

Database articles:

Wellington City Libraries subscribe to a number of different online databases that provide news and periodical articles on a wide range of topics. Some titles relevant to Buddhism are : Buddhism Today, Journal of Global Buddhism, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, and Middle way : journal of the Buddhist Society. Visit our online databases section, www.mygateway.info and select the Gale option from the drop down menu at the top of the page. You will be prompted to login first in another window, entering your library card number and surname details.

Other online articles:

Tricycle, (E-journal).
Tricycle is a Buddhist bi-monthly review established in 1991 and published out of New York City.

Useful websites

  • Resources for the study of Buddhism
    Large portal, maintained by San Francisco State University. Includes links to online collections of Buddhist texts.
  • Sacred texts of Buddhism
    As well as books considered part of the canonical Scripture, it includes Jataka fables and more modern public domain books and journal articles.
  • Access to Insight - Readings in Theravada Buddhism
    Modern translations of more than 1,000 important suttas from the Pali canon, together with other sources, news and utilities e.g. iphone app.
  • Essentials of buddhism
    Lists of Noble truths, Boundless states, Fetters of Existence etc.
  • Buddhanet
    The searchable Buddhist Information Network features a BuddhaZine, guided meditation and other audio files, downloadable e-books and articles (Adobe Acrobat Reader required), information on Meditation Techniques, an online guide for studying Buddhism, information on Buddhist history and culture, a World Buddhist Directory, and a browsable collection of related links.
  • Bodhinyanarama (Wellington, NZ)
    Bodhinyanarama, or the Garden of Enlightened Knowing, founded in 1985, is a monastic residence of the Theravada tradition of Buddhism. This Web Site contains Dhamma talks and teachings and information on other New Zealand Buddhist groups, and Links.
  • Wellington Buddhist Centre
    The Wellington Buddhist Centre is part of a world-wide Buddhist movement called the Friends of the Western Buddhist Order (FWBO).

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